10 simple steps to install Firefox 3.5 on your Linux PC
1. Download the Firefox 3.5 from here
For example, on my Linux PC, I have downloaded Firefox 3.5 (firefox-3.5.tar.bz2) in my Download folder:
[rakesh@debian Download]$ ls
2. Make a folder (e.g. for me, install) in your home
[rakesh@debian ~]$ mkdir install
3. Move firefox-3.5.tar.bz2 from your gnome Desktop or Download folder to install folder (the folder where you have downloaded firefox-3.5.tar.bz2 file)
[rakesh@debian ~]$ mv /home/rakesh/Download/firefox-3.5.tar.bz2 install/
4. Goto the install folder
[rakesh@debian ~]$ cd install/
[rakesh@debian install]$ ls
5. Extract firefox-3.5.tar.bz2 file
[rakesh@debian install]$ tar -xvf firefox-3.5.tar.bz2
6. Goto firefox folder
[rakesh@debian ]$ cd firefox
[rakesh@debian firefox]$ pwd
7. Make a symbolic link to launch Firefox 3.5
[rakesh@debian firefox]$ ln -s /home/rakesh/install/firefox/firefox ~/Desktop/Firefox3.5
8. Make it (Firefox 3.5) executable
[rakesh@debian firefox]$ chmod +x ~/Desktop/Firefox3.5
To open Firefox, from the command line you would type: firefox &
[rakesh@debian firefox]$ firefox &
If steps 7 and 8 do not work for you then follow an alternative option at step 9
9. Goto your gnome Desktop and
a) Right click on the gnome Desktop and
b) select the Create Launcher... option
c) click the button labeled Basic
d) type in "Name:" field : Firefox 3.5
e) type in "Command:" field: /home/rakesh/install/firefox/firefox
f) type in "Comment:" field: Firefox 3.5
g) now click Close button
10. You will see a Firfox 3.5 logo on your Desktop and just click the logo to launch Firefox 3.5 and browser the web.
Enjoy Firefox 3.5 ... :)
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